Impact Publications
Learning single-cell perturbation responses using neural optimal transport.
Bunne C, Stark SG, Gut G, Del Castillo JS, Levesque M, Lehmann KV, Pelkmans L, Krause A, Rätsch G. Nat Methods. 2023 Nov;20(11):1759-1768. doi: 10.1038/s41592-023-01969-x. Epub 2023 Sep 28.
ROS Induction Targets Persister Cancer Cells with Low Metabolic Activity in NRAS-Mutated Melanoma.
Eichhoff OM, Stoffel CI, Käsler J, Briker L, Turko P, Karsai G, Zila N, Paulitschke V, Cheng PF, Leitner A, Bileck A, Zamboni N, Irmisch A, Balazs Z, Tastanova A, Pascoal S, Johansen P, Wegmann R, Mena J, Othman A, Viswanathan VS, Wenzina J, Aloia A, Saltari A, Dzung A; TuPro Consortium; Krauthammer M, Schreiber SL, Hornemann T, Distel M, Snijder B, Dummer R, Levesque MP. Cancer R (2023). doi: 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-22-1826
scROSHI: robust supervised hierarchical identification of single cells.
Prummer M, Bertolini A, Bosshard L, Barkmann F, Yates J, Boeva V; Tumor Profiler Consortium; Stekhoven D, Singer F. NAR Genom Bioinform. 2023 Jun 16;5(2):lqad058. doi: 10.1093/nargab/lqad058. eCollection 2023
scAmpi-A versatile pipeline for single-cell RNA-seq analysis from basics to clinics.
Bertolini A, Prummer M, Tuncel MA, Menzel U, Rosano-González ML, Kuipers J, Stekhoven DJ; Tumor Profiler consortium; Beerenwinkel N, Singer F. PLoS Comput Biol. (2022). doi: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1010097
Establishing standardized immune phenotyping of metastatic melanoma by digital pathology,
Sobottka B, Nowak M, Frei AL, Haberecker M, Merki S, Tumor Profiler Consortium, Levesque MP, Dummer R, Moch H, Koelzer VH (2021),
Laboratory Investigation
The Tumor Profiler Study: Integrated, multi-omic, functional tumor profiling for clinical decision support,
Irmisch A, Bonilla X, Chevrier S, Lehmann KV, Singer F, Toussaint NC, Esposito C, Mena J, Milani ES, Casanova R, Stekhoven DJ, Wegmann R, Jacob F, Sobottka B, Goetze S, Kuipers J, del Castillo JS, Prummer P, Tuncel M, Menzel U, Jacobs A, Engler S, Sivapatham S, Frei A, Holtackers R, Gut G, Ficek J, Dummer R, Tumor Profiler Consortium, Aebersold R, Bacac M, Beerenwinkel N, Beisel C, Bodenmiller B, Koelzer VH, Moch H, Pelkmans L, Snijder B, Tolnay M, Wollscheid B, Raetsch G, Levesque MP (2021),
Cancer Cell doi:10.1016/j.ccell.2021.01.004
SCIM: universal single-cell matching with unpaired feature sets,
Stark SG, Ficek J, Locatello F, Bonilla X, Chevrier S, Singer F, Tumor Profiler Consortium, Rätsch G, Lehmann K (2020),
Bioinformatics doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btaa843
CATALYST: An R-based reproducible and user-friendly preprocessing pipeline for CyTOF data,
Crowell HL, Chevrier S, Jacobs A, Sivapatham S, Tumor Profiler Consortium, Bodenmiller B, Robinson MD (2020),
F1000Research doi:10.12688/f1000research.26073.1